CV. AGAR SARI JAYA, When two years ago the rainbow-colored food trend, food now with a new color has been shifted. Yes, the food and beverage black color is expected to get a lot of attention in
Read MoreCV. AGAR SARI JAYA, When two years ago the rainbow-colored food trend, food now with a new color has been shifted. Yes, the food and beverage black color is expected to get a lot of attention in
Read MoreDalam Rangka memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan sebagai bentuk kepeduliaan perusahaan terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar, CV. Agar Sari Jaya mengadakan pengajian dan memberikan
Read MoreBahan-bahan Lapisan Atas 3 butir nangka, potong dadu 1 sachet susu kental manis 20 gram gula pasir 4 gr tepung agar-agar
Read MoreBahan-bahan 14 gram tepung agar-agar murni/putih/plain 4 gelas air kelapa muda (airnya agak mengandung soda) potongan buah (buah naga, sirsak
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